Community Groups

St. Sebastian Parish is the parish that never sleeps! Our neighbors often remark that there’s always something going on at Sebs.

We love to welcome new people and help them find a home. Join us for one of our many special events or community builders throughout the year.

Find the contact information for group leaders in the parish directory or by calling the parish office at 414-453-1061.

  • The St. Sebastian Archive Team (AKA the A-Team) was developed in 2020 to organize, maintain and preserve the rich and extensive history of St. Sebastian Parish and School. For well over 100 years, records, photos, and documents of all kinds have been saved for future generations to reminiscence, provide genealogical research, and learn ‘lest we forget’ whose shoulders we stand on today.  Managing parish archives takes a love of history and a dedicated team. Contact is Mary Voell.

  • The St. Sebastian’s / St. Catherine’s Mens Group is a community for men to focus on faith, fellowship, and service together. Contacts are Dennis Hauf and Matthew Duffy.

  • The St. Sebastian’s / St. Catherine’s Mamas Group meets around once a month to talk faith, family, and everything in between. All who identify as mothers are welcome to check out a meeting – we keep things casual, low commitment, meaningful, and fit it in under an hour! Meetings have included meditative prayer, discussion of children’s faith formation, and more. Contacts are Chelsea Duffy and Maggie Shelledy McAsey.

  • Parishioners knit or crochet prayer shawls that are given to others as an act of compassion. Contact the parish office at 414-453-1061 for more details.

  • YAC (Youth Athletic Council) implements and supervises the parish sports programs. This includes organizing and funding teams, selecting and training coaches, and generally overseeing the athletic program. Sports include boys and girls basketball, volleyball, and track. Contact is Mike Lehmann.

  • The St. Sebastian Cabaret Theatre is a showcase of parish talent from musicians, singers, comedians, dancers, choreographers, to set, lighting and sound designers. Whatever your talent, you will have a place. Contact is Robin Hensersky.

  • All women of the parish are invited to engage in friendship and spiritual support in service to the parish and community. The group sponsors various spiritual programs, ministries and fundraising opportunities throughout the year. Contact is JoAnn Stasiewicz.

    Click here to register for the Women's Retreat, being held September 27-28.

Social Action Groups

Join one of our many groups committed to living out Catholic Social Teaching and making a difference in our community and around the world.

Find the contact information for group leaders in the parish directory or by calling the parish office at 414-453-1061.

  • The Teosinte/El Salvador Committee works to promote justice, education, and advocacy on behalf of our sister community in Teosinte and other rural communities in El Salvador. Volunteers work in the following areas: advocacy and political awareness, needs assessment, fundraising, coordination of delegations and visits, translation, presentations, liturgical prayer, publicity and communications. Contact is David Goehner.

  • Facing Racism works towards justice with anti-racist activities and education rooted in our Catholic faith. Meets as a large group on a quarterly basis, with working sub-groups meeting regularly in between. There are sub-groups that focus on Education, Prayer, Social Action, Fighting Mass Incarceration, and Voting Rights. Contact is Michelle Hanson.

  • Friends for Life builds a culture of life, respecting the sanctity and dignity of all lives, from the moment of conception until a natural death. Encourages participation within the parish and community through education, activation, and prayer. Contact is Deacon Jim Matthias.

  • Milwaukee Inner City Congregations Allied for Hope (MICAH) addresses justice issues that impact the community in which we live through education, advocacy and action related to: Jobs and Economic Development, Education, Prison Reform and Multiculturalism & Immigration. Contact is Rhonda VanPembrook.

  • SVDP helps parishioners and non-parishioners with emergency needs of clothing, food, rent, utilities, appliances, beds, etc. Volunteers make home visits based on referrals from parish, assess the family’s social condition and refer to appropriate community agencies if indicated, and provide vouchers for food, clothing, furniture, etc. Contact person is Tom Doyle:  Meetings are held the 3rd Wednesday of every other month in the multipurpose room.

  • The Sustainability Team works with staff, lay leaders, and both congregations to promote environmental education and awareness, help identify where we can improve our use of resources with minimal effort, assess and tackle areas that present greater challenges, and even save some money along the way! We ask you to share our concern for environmental and social justice, to dialogue on what we can do, and help facilitate action. Our goal is that care for creation be reflected in everything we do as a faith community and as individuals. Contact is Annalisa Ragatz.

  • For the CSA, volunteers coordinate weekly deliveries of fresh, certified organic and sustainably grown vegetables during the growing season. CSA provides a direct link to a system of farming you can see, know and trust. It provides a relationship with a small farm family and a practical way we can all help protect the Earth and its resources. Contact is Rhonda Van Pembrook.

    The Winter Farmers Market team prepares and sells a sit-down brunch made from locally sourced ingredients. During brunch parishioners also shop the Farmers Market for local items from produce, eggs and meat to preserves, bread, and farmstead soap. Contacts are Bekah Davis and Jackie Costa.