Sacraments, Rites, Prayer

St. Sebastian offers three paths to Baptism, based on the age of the person being baptized.

  • For infants, parents take a special Baptism class.
  • Children seeking Baptism may participate in special classes to help prepare them for the sacrament.
  • Adults may participate in the Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA). Some adults may not be completely ready for Baptism but have important questions about the church and about God. We are happy to talk with you about your spiritual journey.

There has been a change to our Baptism policy, effective January of 2020. Click here to download our Baptism policy along with an additional sponsor form. To schedule a Baptism contact  414-453-1061  and /or send the baptism registration form to  To schedule a class contact Jessica Quintanilla at  

Dive deeper into your faith life by serving with one of our liturgical ministries!

  • Adoration is an hour of prayer in front of the Blessed Sacrament typically held the second Wednesday of the month from 5:45 pm - 6:45 pm. All are welcome!

    If you are interested in assisting with arrangement for Adoration, please email Dcn. Jim Matthias at

  • Lector (Reader)

    Lectors proclaim the Holy Scriptures at Sunday Masses.

    Eucharistic Ministry


    Eucharistic ministers distribute the Body and Blood of Christ at Sunday Masses. Homebound Eucharistic ministers take Holy Communion to those unable to attend Mass.



    Boys and girls (fifth grade through high school) assist the priest at Mass. Adults welcome.

    If you would like to volunteer for these ministries, contact the Parish Office at 414-453-1061.

  • Hospitality (Greeters & Ushers)


    Hospitality ministers greet, assist and direct those attending Mass.


    Click here to download the Hospitality Handbook.

    Liturgical Environment


    Members provide ideas and means to decorate the interior and exterior of the church for its liturgical seasons and ritual actions. Creativity and numerous talents are needed, from ironing to drawing.

    Prayer Leader

    Formally trained laypersons lead a variety of prayer services, most commonly weekday communion services

    If you would like to volunteer for these ministries, contact the Parish Office at 414-453-1061.

Need Prayer?

Send in your prayer requests and each one will be prayed for individually.