Faith Formation for youth in grades 6-12 happens in three subgroups. Below, you will find details on our Middle School and High School Formation programs, including class schedules and a link to register on WeShare.
We will have a middle school & high school retreat day
on Saturday March 29, 2025!
Please put this date on your family calendar.
Youth will be invited to attend a prayerful day of reflection and engaging activities -
intended to deeply connect them with God, self and one another.
Middle School Formation is for youth in grades 6-8. They will gather once monthly in the Adult Formation Room from 9 -10:15 am.
In these sessions, we will focus on biblical knowledge, highlight Catholic traditions, and be attentive to the liturgical calendar regularly. These sessions will take place on the following dates:
- September 29
- October 6
- November 3
- January 5
- February 2
- March 2
- May 18
If your child is not a student at St. Sebastian School, but participates in the Formation program, they are then eligible to particpate on the school's athletic teams. If this is something of interest to your child, please contact Dillon Ambrose at
Participation in Faith Formation includes family formation sessions. We request that families attend the six sessions found on the calendar. Parents are the first models of faith for their children. The ministry of parish Faith Formation is to serve families by providing fruitful opportunities for faith development as a whole family. Whole family catechesis benefits families and has the ability to connect parish and school families together. Thus, these events are open to all parish and school families. Look for details and directions to RSVP in the weeks ahead of each session.
Saturday, November 23 - Gratitude Family Event (10 am - Noon)
Monday, December 2 - Advent Family Event (5:30 - 7 pm)
Wednesday, February 5 - Wisdom in the Bible Family Event (5:30 - 7 pm)
Ash Wednesday, March 5th - Preparing for Lent Family Event (5 - 6:30 pm)
Palm Sunday, April 13th - Holy Week Family Event (11:30 am - 1:00 pm)
Sunday, May 11th - Mary, Praying the Rosary Family Event (9 - 10:15 am)
High School Faith Formation is for high Schoolers in grades 9-10 and they meet as one group. They gather once monthly in the Adult Formation Room from 4 - 5:30 pm. In these sessions, we will focus on biblical knowledge, highlight Catholic Social Teaching, reflect on their personal journeys of discipleship, and pay attention to the liturgical calendar regularly. These sessions will take place on the following dates:
September 29
October 6
November 3
January 5
February 2
March 2
May 18
Saturday, November 23 - Gratitude Family Event (10am - Noon)
Monday, December 2 - Advent Family Event (5:30 - 7 pm)
Wednesday, February 5 - Wisdom in the Bible Family Event (5:30 - 7 pm)
Ash Wednesday, March 5 - Preparing for Lent Family Event (5 - 6:30 pm)
Palm Sunday, April 13 - Holy Week Family Event (11:30 am - 1 pm)
Sunday, May 11 - Mary, Praying the Rosary Family Event (9 - 10:15 am)
Please note!! High Schoolers in grades 11-12 are encouraged to journey through the program of sacramental preparation for Confirmation. Please note that this is a separate registration.
All youth in grades 6-12 will gather together once a month for Youth Liturgy of the Word. We will gather from 4 - 5:30pm in the Adult Formation Room. The group will then attend the 6 pm Mass, following formation of the Sunday’s readings. This Mass will be tailored to youth and they will be expected to participate in the various Mass ministries.
This gathering will include a meal. We will use SignUpGenius for potluck for a few of the sessions, however, most often the meal will be provided. The youth will be asked to bring a personal beverage. These sessions require regular attendance by all youth in grades 6-12 for the successful completion of each catechetical program. Please contact Fr. Peter Patrick or Margaret Lee if you have any questions. Parents and siblings are encouraged to attend the 6 pm Mass. We encourage you to join us to witness the youth leadership during these Masses. Here are the dates for these sessions:
October 13
November 10
December 8
January 12
February 9
March 9
Rest assured, these sessions will not not interfere with watching the Packers.
Comprehensive youth ministry involves more than prayerful catechesis sessions. It involves the time, talent and treasure of the whole community. Please prayerfully consider helping serve the needs of our parish's youth. Here are the complete schedules for Middle School Formation and High School Formation.
Middle School Formation Schedule
High School Formation Schedule
Contact Margaret Lee (414-453-1061 x 123, Minister for Faith Formation.