Adult Formation

Embrace lifelong learning of the faith with fellow adults from all walks of life at one of our Adult Faith Formation programs!

Questions? Contact Jessica Quintanilla, Young Adult and Adult Minister, at 414-453-1061 x125 or

Emmaus 90

Emmaus 90 is a program offered by the Archdiocese of Milwaukee starting on January 20th, extending through Easter. The intent is to help foster a daily prayer practice and to walk in companionship with others toward a deeper relationship with Jesus. St. Catherine and St. Sebastian Adult Formation will offer weekly sessions to help participants gather and take full advantage of the journey, but it can also be done from home. Participants can choose how much or how little they want to do and any who miss the beginning of the program are welcome to join at any time along the way!

When you register, you will receive a set of materials to help guide your journey. We have 50 sets available. If more than 50 people register, digital copies of the guides will be provided. Participation is free, but donations are welcome (Suggested $20 per person to offset the cost of materials).

Register for Emmaus 90

OCIA (Formerly RCIA)

Are you interested in becoming Catholic? Are you feeling called to explore a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ? Are you an adult Catholic that needs to be confirmed?

We're glad you're interested in exploring the Catholic faith! With a global community of over a billion believers, each individual's journey to Christ is unique and significant. Embrace the daily presence of His grace in your life, allowing it to guide and inspire you. 

Whether you're coming from a different Christian background or seeking to complete your sacraments in the Catholic Church, we're here to support you on your journey of faith. Let's walk together in the richness of the Catholic faith and tradition. 


  • One of the best ways is to reach out to our Adult Faith Formation Director, Jessica Quintanilla, who will help you determine the next steps on your faith journey. You can also speak to Father Peter Patrick, or talk to one of the deacons, all of who will be happy to listen and help you determine your next step. 
  • Pray. Ask God to guide you in your journey.
  • Attend Mass. Our family of faith is warm and welcoming.
  • Read the Scripture. Consider signing up for a daily reflection from Catholic Daily Reflections or My Catholic Life! online. 
  • Explore the Catechism of the Catholic Church, the official summary of our faith.

Contact Jessica Quintanilla at 414-453-1061 x125 or for more information about RCIA!

Section Title

Brew City Catholic exists to inspire adults in their 20s and 30s to become close companions of Jesus, who joyfully invite others to walk with them. As an initiative of the Young Adult Ministry Office of the Archdiocese of Milwaukee (Southeastern Wisconsin), our invitation is for you to enjoy this moment in your 20s or 30s, knowing that Christ and the Catholic Church are with you and for you.