Pastoral Council

The Pastoral Council of St. Sebastian Parish is a leadership group of parish members chosen from and by the parish community. The purpose of the pastoral council is:

  • To be a representative forum wherein the parish laity and the pastor/parish administrator enter into study and dialogue on matters of pastoral concern.
  • To serve as a consultative body, advising the pastor/parish administrator on pastoral matters affecting St. Sebastian Parish.
  • To foster ongoing comprehensive planning for the mission and ministries of the parish.
  • To work collaboratively with the Pastoral Council of St. Catherine Parish on cluster matters.

Our council is governed by a constitution and bylaws and consists of members from the parish at-large plus three ex-officio members – the parish priest and two trustees. The members-at-large serve a three-year term, with a maximum of two terms. Council member are selected each spring through a process of discernment with three to four members replaced yearly. The focus of our pastoral council is mission, not management. Meetings are held monthly and are open to the public, with dates, times, and agendas published in our bulletin. 

Questions? Email us at

Meetings are the 1st Monday of the month.

23-24 Meeting Minutes



Fr. Peter Patrick Kimani, Pastor

Karen Earle, Pastoral Council Chair

, Vice Chair

Jacob Corr, Secretary

Jeff Altenburg, School Committee Liaison
Kathy Bottoni, Human Concerns Committee Liaison
Dave Misky, Finance Council Liaison
Steve Ragatz, Prayer and Worship Committee Liaison

JoAnn Stasiewicz, Stewardship Committee Liaison
Dan Walker, Faith Formation Committee Liaison

Audrey Ticcioni, Trustee Secretary

Rocky Marcoux, Trustee Treasurer

Finance Council

The Finance Council is the consultative body to the pastor in all parish financial matters. It monitors the financial condition of the parish including regular financial reviews, audits, indebtedness, internal controls etc. The membership on the Council is determined by the Archdiocesan Norms for Finance Councils. Members are listed in the bulletin and their contact information can be found in the parish directory or by calling the parish office at 414-453-1061.

Committees reporting to the Finance Council are Building & Grounds and Development.

The Council meets the third Wednesday of the month. 

2022-2023 Members

  • Father Peter Patrick Kimani, Pastor
  • Dave Misky, Chair
  • Rocky Marcoux, Trustee, Building and Grounds
  • Audrey Ticcioni, Trustee
  • Tara Mullarkey
  • Kevin Mullen, School
  • Audrey Skwierawski
  • Trish Dulka

Standing Committees

Committees are the task groups of Councils. Committees are always looking for committed volunteers! 

Please contact the committee chair if you are interested in getting involved.

  • The Building and Grounds Committee is responsible for the physical condition of the parish property. They are charged with the care, upkeep and improvements of the landscape and structures of our parish grounds. They keep the parish informed (primarily through the budget process) of the long-term maintenance needs of the parish facilities and the impact of deferring a particular item to a later implementation schedule. Their primary concerns are safety and aesthetics.

    Committee Chair: Holly Rutenbeck
    Finance Council Liaison: Dave Misky
    Staff: Bryan Kirkpatrick

    Meetings are the 4th Tuesday of the month at 7 PM.

  • Recognizing that Faith Formation is a lifelong process, the St. Sebastian Faith Formation Committee seeks to facilitate growth and faith sharing for parishioners of every age and stage in their faith journey to meet the needs and challenges of today’s Catholics. Our mission is to better understand ourselves as members of the Body of Christ, who are invited to respond to our Baptismal call of ongoing conversion and service. Faith formation experiences are designed to facilitate growth in our individual prayer life and communal worship, especially the Eucharist.

    Chair: Chris Fulcher
    Council Liaison: Cathy Hoffman
    Staff: Margaret Lee

  • The Human Concerns Committee discerns needs of parishioners and the wider community, and identifies resources to meet those needs enlisting the active cooperation of parish members. The committee’s scope of responsibility is two-fold: to meet immediate needs, and to work for changes in the oppressive structures of societies worldwide.

    Chair: Annalisa Ragatz
    Council Liaison: Kathy Bottoni
    Staff: Margaret Lee
    Meetings are the 3rd Monday of the month at 7 PM.

  • The Prayer & Worship Committee coordinates the practice of and activities related to celebrating the mysteries of our faith in communal worship. Members provide overall direction to the spiritual and liturgical life of the parish. Liturgical principles of the Second Vatican Council as well as archdiocesan policies are implemented. This committee oversees the liturgical ministries and coordinates the celebration of the liturgical calendar.

    Chair: Jean Kreul

    Council Liaison: Steve Ragatz and Judy Hill
    Staff: Michelle Klotz

  • The School Advisory Committee functions as the advisory board for school policy and programs. Various subcommittees work on promotion, publicity, budget, stewardship and long-range planning, along with action groups that address specific issues.

    Chair: Maria Melendes
    Pastoral Council Liaison: Jeff Altenburg
    Staff: Katie Immen

  • The Committee defines a systematic way of infusing the theology and practice of stewardship into the life of the parish. Identifying opportunities for members of the parish to share their time, talent and financial resources, and establishing an ongoing process to recruit, recognize and thank volunteers in all parish ministries.

    Chair: Lisa Weger

    Council Liaison: JoAnn Stasiewicz
    Staff: Fr. Peter Patrick

    Meetings are the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of the month at 5:30 PM in the Parish House.

  • Our regular council meetings will be held on the second Wednesday of each month at 7 pm. If you were unable to attend an exemplification ceremony and would still like to become a Knight of Columbus, please contact Grand Knight Scott Hoffland at 414-687-4999 or via email at